Over the spring and summer 2018, Essex & Suffolk Water will be offering customers the chance to have a free water saving visit from a qualified plumber to fit suitable water saving products and discuss tips and hints to help you save water, energy and money in your home at no cost to you with a value of up to £130. Barking sits in one of the driest parts of the UK yet each of us manage to get through a staggering 4,500 litres of water a month which is equivalent to 56 baths of water. This is the chance for customers to reduce their environmental impact while saving water, energy and money.
Everything from the water and energy saving products we offer, including the fitting, is all free of charge. Our plumbers will not sell any products or services to you. This project is all free of charge.
It’s so easy. Just fill out the form at www.eswater.co.uk/everydropcounts and we will give you a call.
We will give you a call to arrange an appointment at a time and date convenient for you.
This will ensure we can contact you to arrange a time and date for your visit. Don’t worry though we know how annoying it is to get cold calls so we promise not to pass your number on to anyone else. It will only be used for the purpose of this project and will then be held securely in accordance with the data protection act.
All staff will only turn up at an arranged date and time and will carry a photographic ID badge. You will be offered a personalised password which you can ask for when we arrive to confirm their identify.
We have contacted customers inviting them to take part in Every Drop Counts. However, there are a limited number of appointment slots available so complete your application today to avoid disappointment.
For complete piece of mind we offer a free 12 month guarantee on all the products and fitting in case you need us.