The construction phase of this project is now complete.
There may still be updates, so the project will remain here. We are still monitoring the project and will reply to any comments. So if you have any questions please feel free to comment or contact us here.
The Eel Regulation Compliance project at the River Bure in Belaugh is for installation of eel friendly screening equipment at our abstraction point on the river. The work is driven by the need for Essex & Suffolk Water to comply with the Eels Regulations (2009) and will improve the biodiversity value in the River Bure.
What will the working hours be?
Typical working hours will be between 7:00am and 5:00pm, Monday to Friday.
Will my water supply be affected?
There is no anticipated impact on water supplies.
Will the work cause disruption?
The various construction activities will generate some noise and disruption in the immediate vicinity. Traffic volumes will slightly increase at times for the delivery of materials and construction plant to the site. A crane will be operating in the works area to lift some items of plant and construction materials within the working area. We are planning to implement a road closure on Back Lane to ensure continuous safe access and egress for all vehicles.
How will residents be kept updated?
We will keep you informed with progress of the work via this portal.
Will the site be dangerous?
Construction sites always have the potential for danger but we will make every effort to limit the risks to the public. The site will be operated by our fully competent contractor working to tight health and safety standards. Working areas will be securely fenced off from public access and the crossing point of the public footpath and the temporary track way will be clearly demarcated to separate the public from the works and site traffic. Please take extra care when using the footpath and crossing the track and please obey signage and any safety instructions.
There will be some dangerous operations undertaken such as crane lifts and concrete pours but these are fully assessed and managed in advance of and during the operations. The public will not be allowed anywhere near these operations whilst they are being completed. We understand that it is often interesting to watch the activities and the safest place to do this will be from the footpath.
We do ask that everyone respects the site fencing, signing, guarding and instructions of our team when required for your own safety.
Will the work affect access to the public footpath?
Access to the footpath will be maintained and there will be fencing to safely separate construction vehicles and the public. Walkers may be asked to wait for a few moments when vehicles are moving across the fields on the temporary track way to maintain safety at the crossing point.
Please respect the site fencing, signing, guarding and instructions of our team when required for your own safety.
Will the new system allow Essex & Suffolk Water to abstract more water from the River Bure?
No, the purpose of the project is to protect eels and there will be an added benefit to the company with a newer, more efficient screening system in place but there is no intention to increase the amount of water abstracted from the River Bure. Each site has an abstraction licence issued by the Environment Agency which we have to abide by and the new system has been sized to meet this existing licence. There are no plans to increase the amount we abstract from the river and there would be penalties if the existing licence was exceeded. The current licence is for 27.2 million litres per day (equivalent to approx. 6 million gallons or nearly 11 Olympic-sized swimming pools).
How long has the current system been in place?
Record drawings show that the pumping station was built in the mid 1960's so abstraction from the Bure at this location is long-established.